We received word from Alpena that they got a later than expected start to DeTour, so the JV tip-off might be delayed 15 minutes or so.

Good luck to our 4th Grade Boys Elementary team who compete in tonight's championship game at JKL...tip off is 5:00. Go Raiders!!!

The Islanders are seeking a 7th Grade Boys Basketball coach for the 2024 season. Please pass this along to anyone who you think would be interested.

Ski Club is planning on their first trip to Nub's Nob December 23rd, 2023. This trip is weather permitting. Middle and High School students who are planning to go will need to have all the money into the school office by the end of the day on Tuesday, Dec 19th. If you have a question on how much you owe, please see Ms. Kathy in the office. Don't forget to have your signed liability release form.

Junior High Boys Basketball players...you should have received one of these order forms for this year's apparel. Please have your order turned in no later than Tuesday, December 19. If you have any questions, please contact Cristi Smith. Thank you!

DeTour Preschool

The varsity boy's basketball team took on the Newberry Indians this evening. After a tough fought game the Indians were victorious, 55 to 45.

Our JV boy's Islanders team lost a tight game tonight to the visiting Newberry Indians 37 to 36.

Cook Debi

Today, the Grinch decided to come to DATA Elementary and helped on the playground.

So our Lady Islanders can be there for the start of the Christmas fun at tonight's boy's game in Cedarville, they will be practing in DeTour from 3:00-5:00.
Also, this is a reminder about the full day of basketball this Saturday in DeTour, and the potluck our boys and girls will be enjoying throughout the day. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Have a great day...GO ISLANDERS!!!

What a great Christmas program our students put on for us this evening! Thank you to Mr. Usher and all of the staff who helped to make this event a success. Thank you to all of our families who came and shared this evening with us.

Hot off the presses!!! Here are the brackets for our 4th and 5th Grade Elementary Basketball tournaments at LSSU on Saturday. Good luck, Raiders!!!

Christmas Spirit Week Starts Thursday, 12/14/23!

With Christmas programs in both Cedarville and DeTour tonight, both the JV and Varsity Boys Basketball teams are practicing in DeTour today from 3:30-5:30.

Annual Christmas program is tonight! (12/13/23) DATA Elementary and Middle School, along with DeTour High School will be performing their annual Christmas program in the multi-purpose room. The performance will begin at 6:30pm. Please feel to share this with others.

There will be no JV//V Girls Basketball practice tomorrow, December 13.

On the EIGHTH day of CHRISTMAS the 2 - 5 grades worked on an escape room activity!

Late bus after school today. Students will be arriving home a little late this afternoon. We had a late field trip bus coming back from the Sault. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Islanders varsity boy's basketball team lost a tough game to Alanson this evening, 50 to 46.