How to find emergency school schedule information (usually available by 5:30 a.m.) -
Media news reports – DeTour Schools & DeTour Arts & Technology Academy uses 9&10 News, 7&4 News, along with our local radio stations to communicate any closure notifications
SchoolMessenger calls made to school families beginning as early as 5:30 a.m.
*Please be sure your contact information is up to date at your school.DeTour Schools & DeTour Arts & Technology Academy social media; DeTour Facebook & DATA Facebook pages.
"No announcement" means schools have normal schedules.
Except in extreme situations when verified information is available more than 24 hours in advance, each emergency school schedule announcement is made on a day-by-day basis.
Emergency school schedule announcements are sent to media as early as possible in the morning. SchoolMessenger Connect calls to families are sent beginning at 5:45 a.m.
Emergency early dismissal:
Emergency conditions during the school day could require schools to close early and release students before the end of the normal school day.
This happens rarely and is used only as a "last resort." In these rare circumstances, families are notified of an early dismissal by the same methods listed above for emergency school schedule notifications.
Emergency contacts:
Each school year parents are asked to update student enrollment information.
Your student enrollment information form includes contacts used in emergencies or if a child becomes ill at school.
Please call your school if your phone number or emergency contact information changes at any time during the school year. This is the contact information used by DeTour Schools & DeTour Arts & Technology Academy to share important school information with families.