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In order to earn a diploma from DeTour Area High School the requirements for graduation shall be as follows:
Students shall attend high school for the full 8 semesters, unless specifically excused from this requirement by the Board of Education.
All students are required to take seven (7) classes each year from 9th through 12th grade.
To be eligible for graduation, students shall earn the minimum number of credits as shown below;
1. For regular students 24 credits
2. Attend skill center/apprenticeship 23 credits
(1 year)
3. Attend skill center/apprenticeship 22 credits
(2 years)
All students are required to take the M-Step or the MI-Access if applicable.
To be eligible for graduation students shall have demonstrated a level of competence in reading and basic mathematics skills equivalent to at least that of the 6th grade. Approved methods of evaluation shall be determined by DeTour Area Schools and the skills thus demonstrated should be those designed to assure the ability by the student to function in the adult world.
Specific courses to be successfully passed shall be as follows:
1. English - 4 credits
*required: English 9, English 10, English 11,
English 12
2. Science - 3 credits
*required: Physical Science, Biology I, Chemistry
or Physics, and one additional science
3. Math - 4 credits
*required: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and
a senior year math class
4. Physical Education/Health - 1/2 credit each
5. Social Studies - 3 credits
*required: American History
World History
6. Visual, Performing, and 1 credit
Applied Arts -
*Must Create, Perform/Present and Respond
7. Online Experience - 1 credit
Could consist of self-paced or teacher-led
8. World Languages - 2 credit
Or 1 credit in a World Language and one additional fine arts credit.
Students attending the Sault Area Career Center will be granted the fourth year math credit if they pass the Automotive Tech course and/or a science credit if they pass the Allied Health class.
A student may request a Personal Curriculum in compliance with the Michigan Merit Curriculum standards. This request must be made by the parent to the Principal.
In order to receive credit for any course, all students must pass the course end exam. Course credit may be obtained by:
Taking a course and passing the course end-exam on the first try. Credit will be given even with a failing grade for the semester.
Testing out of a course by taking the course-end exam prior to the beginning of the semester. Certain days will be designated before each semester as test out dates. Credit will only be given for students that pass the exam on these given dates. Final exams may consist of portfolio pieces that will be presented in final form on the day of the written exam. The course grade will be the grade of the exam and the final transcript will reflect the test out option.