Class Server Schools List
Instructions for Teacher Class Server to install on their computer:
When you are doing the teacher client install look in the URL – if you are having problems, you will be at the point where the URL in the address bar ends with “step=5” just change the 5 to a six in the URL to “fool” the program.
DeTour Elementary Class Server - Teacher Setup
DeTour Middle School Class Server - Teacher Setup
DeTour High School Class Server - Teacher Setup
Drummond Island Class Server - Teacher Setup
To add another teacher to be recognized in the login box: When the first screen comes up; go to account settings; create "new user"; follow prompts.
GLAD is the EUP area testing for 1 - 8th grade students. It stands for Grade Level Assessment Device. The lead people on this project for the ISD are Tammy Rutledge and Shannon Adkins. If you have questions please send them to The students take a test that is correlated to the Michigan standards for the grade they are entering. They are not expected to score high, this information will be compared with the post test and the information gathered can be used by the district to identify many potential problems. The teacher can also use the pre-test to help focus the curriculum on areas that are lacking for the individual students.
There isn't any automatic way in Class Server to transfer a student from school to school. The best I can think of is using last years spreadsheet(if you used the csv file to mass add students) and extract only the students moving up and import those into the next school.
Actually if you do have trouble attaching the CAD drawing files as a student, let me know the extension(s) of the files. I can configure Class Server to allow the needed file types.
Testing Procedures and Rules
The Language Arts test may be read by the teacher to Grade 1 students for both the pre and post test ( it is measuring LA skills not Reading skills)
It is suggested the Reading test for Grade 1 be given in January and May ( many first graders can't read at this time)
Students read individually the Language Arts test (teachers may not read this test to the students)
The grade 2 reading test may be printed and set on the desk at the computer. The student uses the computer to click on the answer.
Cleaning Up Your Learning Resources
The Learning Resources can be deleted from "My Learning Resources" after taking the tests. Getting rid of the Learning Resources only prevent the teacher from assigning the tests again.
However, deleting the assignments out of the "Assignment Manager" will remove any future ability to review or generate reports based on those test scores.
What is the recommendations for instructors when dealing with assessment tests from the past?
How to create a simple quiz or test in Class Server
I was really excited for our teaching staff after talking with another instructor and how she is using Class Server to simplify her assignments and quizzes.
The initial setup will take time to type but after that, the test or quiz is saved for the future. You can always add, edit, or delete questions in a “learning resource”. Learning Resource is Class Server’s name for any quiz, essay, test, etc… that is put into their software.
Here are step by step instructions to add a spelling test to your Class server. There are also templates for multiple choice, essay, fill in the blank plus many more.
Open Class Server teacher and log in.
Choose a THEME, Finish
Select the number of blanks as 1
Type in the first part of the Sentence that you would use in the spelling test, such as “Can you come to my” into the first text box.
Put in the points possible for the question
Fill in the BLANK with the answer “HOUSE”
In the last text box type in the remainder of the spelling sentence. “after school.”
Click OK
Add more question till you are done with the test.
After it is created assign it to your class.
This test you would Read to your students just like a regular spelling test but Class Server grades it for you.
Give it a try and see if technology can work for YOU!
Here is a way to use Class Server to get results to the parents.
An instructor wants to use an assignment or quiz that was taken on Class Server and show the test results to the parent during PT Conferences.
The method for a student led conference and to save on printing cost is:
Student logs into Class Server
Student Clicks on the assignment/quiz
Student Clicks "View Graded Assignment"
Student Clicks 'Preview assignment or quiz with correct answers and included teacher comments"
Now student and parent can view the graded assignment/quiz.
There is no button to print the quiz and when you use the browser to print it will only print the first few questions or the part that is visible on the screen.
If you as an instructor would like to print the assignment/quiz to send home to the parents you can:
Login to Class Server
Select a Class
Select a student
Double click on Assignment or quiz
Print information at bottom
Check print information & teacher comments for one or all students